Acts 1:15-26
Peter stands up in the midst of the Apostles, taking a leadership position, and realizes the need to find a replacement for Judas? Why does he recognize such an imminent need? Did they have to chose another replacement? Why couldn’t they stay with the original Eleven? Peter had remember what Christ had said in Matthew 19:28. Christ tells the Apostles that when the kingdom comes they will sit with him on Twelve thrones and rule over this kingdom. Consequently, Peter does not know when Christ will return; he doesn’t have the benefit of hindsight like we do. For all Peter imagined, he thought that Jesus would be returning next week! Peter was actively look for the return of the why don’t we?
Peter goes on to quote from two Psalms (Psa. 69 and 109), the first explaining what had happened (Judas’ defection and death) and the second what they should do about it (replace him). Two men were chosen, and after casting lots, God directed the Apostles to chose Matthias. Some have often asked, why did they cast lots? Isn’t that an Old Testament practice? Casting lots was done on this occasion because they Apostles had not received the Holy Spirit yet. The Holy Spirit would descend on them and indwell them in the next chapter of Acts. We don’t have a need to cast lots today when making decisions because we have the Holy Spirit who indwells us. He helps us to make decisions that are both wise and follow with God’s will; but we must listen to His still small voice. The Holy Spirit is speaking to us, and he often does this in various ways and mediums, but can we hear him?
The Apostles prayed to the Lord and asked him to show them who He had already chosen. The Lord directed them to Matthias as the qualified replacement. Now the group is whole once again and ready to be His witness to the entire world. If we think back to Jesus’ original selection of the Twelve, we see that He did the same thing. He spent all night in prayer before He went out to select these twelve ordinary men that would turn the world upside down. The amazing and mind-boggling fact is that even through Jesus know all things and what would happen with these twelve, He still chose Judas!