Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day: God Has Already Decided...

As a kid I have found recollections of election weeks in years gone by, but those recollections seem so trivial now.  I remember being upset when a show I wanted to watch was preempted by presidential debates – I mean who wants to watch those?  (I watched all four this year).  I was a child and I thought as a child, I did childish things – I still do childish things. 

This year is different, and I don’t think it’s because this election is being flaunted as the most critical in decades – I thought all elections were significant?  Neither do I think it’s because I am an adult and for some reason watch the news a lot more.  By the way in watching the 11:00 news last night for its allotted 30 minutes I think I tallied only two commercials that were not political ads...not surprising.  Nor do I think this year is abnormal because I am seeing how the policies of our government are affecting my family.  Going to the doctor, getting coverage for prescription meds, and getting the insurance to cover various tests is almost becoming a deterrent for going to the doctor in the first place – but maybe that’s the plot?  I think this year is different because I finally got it!  You know that feeling?  That moment in time when something that you’ve heard from numerous people, and been told many times, and read hundreds of times finally sinks in.  It’s that ah-ha moment that can be summed up in one verse from the book of Daniel:

“The Most High God rules in the kingdoms of men and gives it to whomever He choses.”    -Daniel 4:17

It is not by man’s might, nor by his strategies or plans, nor by his theories or philosophies, or his successes in this life that gains him a term in office.  It is by the decree and purpose of God, that man is ALLOWED to have a term or several terms in office.  In Daniel 1:2, the Bible says that the Lord allowed Nebuchadnezzar to take rule over Judah.  The American Electoral College will tell us today (hopefully) who will be our next president for four more years.  But the decision has already been made and today we find out which man GOD HAS CHOSEN to lead our country for the next four years.  When Jeremiah the prophet told the nation of Israel that God had chosen Nebuchadnezzar as their ruler and captor they did not believe his words.  Further, they decided to persecute him because of what he told them. 

If your candidates wins or loses their race today please realize that first, God has a purpose in who He choses; and second, make it a serious matter to prayer for your leaders who are in position of authority over you.  By the way, I also realized that one day there will be no more political ads on every conceivable form of media, no election coverage that preempts everything, no formal or informal debates, no political signs blanketing the median of highways, no politicians holding their signs on the roadside...

                Come quickly LORD JESUS!